
Study Tour in Albania promotes Tajikistan’s well-coordinated efforts into countering trafficking in persons

Tirana, Albania, August 19-23, 2024 – Under USAID supported Project “Safe Migration and Countering Trafficking in Persons”, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Tajikistan facilitated a study visit for Tajikistan’s delegation to Albania. This initiative aimed at exploring best practices in safe migration and countering trafficking in persons, including identification of victims of trafficking, their protection and referrals.

The Safe Migration and Countering Trafficking in Persons Project supported seven officials from Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General’s Office, Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Customs Services, Drug Control Committee, and another three representatives from the civil society, who work on countering trafficking in persons and supporting trafficking victims, to attend a study tour in Albania. Two IOM Project staff members were accompanying the group during their visit in Albania.

A blended educational and site-visit programme in addition to in-person engagement with the Albanian counterparts, enabled the Tajik participants to gain understanding of successful experience of Albania’s National Referral Mechanism, to see state- and CSO-run interventions and services for victims of trafficking, and discuss their framework, victim’s identification, protection, and reintegration experience. Additionally, the participants had an opportunity to visit Police office and several shelters for victims of trafficking and to see identification, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration models in action and ask questions from Albanian specialists and practitioners.

The tour equipped participants with concrete, successful and effective knowledge on CTIP effective coordination, victim’s protection, referral mechanism and services for TIP victims which they can replicate in Tajikistan. Moreover, the participants will soon start developing Tajikistan’s new National Action Plan for Counteracting Trafficking in Persons and they will be able to reflect on their gained knowledge and best practices in Albania too.

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